Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Who is that poor homeless child? He is one of our left behind students which is never ever care in this era of technology. When we are busy talking about technology we forget about him. Some might say that is not our concern, it’s the government who will do the job. How low our sensitivity and empathy towards our own people especially the children who left without proper education, care and love. Other also might argue, ‘ so, that’s our job to look after them? We are teachers. We just teach them who are willing to learn. If they don’t want, it’s not our fault.’ Do you think this children don’t want go to school, meeting his friends of his age, playing, learning together?

Being a teacher is not only merely teaching and lecturing. A teacher is an educator that educates students to be knowledgeable, skilful and high in moral value. We as a teacher should see students as a whole. Besides, we should not ignore the students who are problematic and introvert. Like the story that Prof posted in the forum, ‘Mrs. Thompson and Teddy’. We should always reflect on our teaching on how we can improve so that our students won’t feel bored and always try to listen to their problem. This is done by giving them a chance for them to speak and we just listen patiently to them.

Listening is crucial for assessment of learning (checking comprehension and appropriate challenge level), for collaboration between teachers and students (coaching instead of just judging), and for giving students a real sense of ownership of classroom activities as well as for allowing students to articulate and internalize the learning processes. Teachers who listen can turn around and provide very effective support structures to guide students on to the next level of challenge.’


In addition it will give them the feel of being appreciated by other people especially teacher. It is because some of the children nowadays are less communicating with their parents because of the time limitation that their parent have for them. So, they will feel release when someone wants to hear their talk. On the other hand, we can use this way to get closer to them and gain their trust. Then, there will be no problem for them to listen to us. As a saying goes... what you give, you get back.