Friday, August 8, 2008

Salam and hi,

Nowadays after smart school we have smart board. That’s means everything should be smart even a board. I wonder if we have smart pen, smart book or smart desk too. A big question to us is whether we can produce smart students or not. Apart from all the technology invented to make things easier that is a question mark on the effectiveness of the usage. For example, is the use of IT in school. It is undeniable that many interesting and useful things that a teacher can create using the net to teach the pupils. But, the activities are just for their cognitive development and not really on their physical and social development. The pupils are just glued to sit and watch and then respond. I think the activities for the pupils should involve lots of physical movement so that to help their development. We need to produce a holistic person in them where they can be both active academically, socially and physically. Besides, the widespread of technology especially in urban area have contributed to negative impacts rather than positive impacts. The technology has been misuse by the children because of lack attention by their parents. The same situation now has slowly move to the rural area which the internet connection can be reached. Today, i think there is no more ‘kampung boy’ like the old day. I use to be a ‘kampung girl’. I grown up with nature which i have the opportunity to explore by myself every inch of my village and be friend to every fish in the river (hehehehe). I think those experience help me to appreciate the nature more and learn many things with nature and started to learn who am i. But, I’m sad to see my little sister do not have the valuable moment as I did. She has no time for that because of the school demand. I can say that she tend not to be very independent. However, though we can explore all parts of the world just clicking on the mouse, still we just can’t experience it. What we can do is just dreaming and imagining. So, in my opinion, as a teacher we can’t be too dependent on technology to shape our pupils. We should give them opportunity to explore the world around them by themselves. I think the best things are to give them opportunity to deal with the real things such as visiting and experimenting. We also should expose them to the nature as much as we can so that technology will not give a negative impact to them. There should be more interaction with the real human being and thing to build their social skill. In addition, there are some negative impacts on health because of technology. Like I’m experiencing now.. Waiting hours in front of computer to download or upload file make me suffer from a bad backache..huhuhuhu.. Besides, i also become one of the Panda’s sibling...wuuu.. Anyone who is in the same boat as i am? If you do..Welcome to the club, friends...