Saturday, July 26, 2008

Theories into practices..

Assalamualaikum and hi,
we were given some input on the theory part on how to design the material using different kinds of media. We can use ASSURE model, ADDIE model or DICK and CAREY model to help us to design the materials using many kinds of other media apart of lecture and books. However, as a teacher we should know our students first before deciding to design the activities. It is important so that it would match with our students' need and ability so that we can deliver the content successfully. In addition, we should aware that every student in our class is different in terms of their characteristics, learning styles and background. Therefore, we need to consider all the factors before designing the activities.
Then, we need to state the objectives explicitly so that we know what we expect from the students performance. Besides, it also keeps us always on the track during the activities to ensure the learning process happen. After that, we can start to select the materials, method and media to be used in the classroom. The material should reflect the objectives that we plan earlier. In selecting the materials we must make sure that it is suitable and have the teaching points on it. If we need the materials is too high or too low for students' proficiency, we can modify and produce the new material from the original one. We can design it according to our creativity to suit our learners.
Before we used the material we have design, we should preview it to make sure that it alright and we can make adjustment to meet the students' need. Then, during the presentation stage, we should make sure that the students can participate in the activity to maximize the learning process among them. It is because they will learn best while interacting with their peer as their language continue to develop. At this stage they will try hard to learn by creatively make their own language and guessing to deliver and understanding messages. Besides, according to a psychologist, Lev Vygotsky, he stated that students construct their learning by interacting with their surrounding such as peers, teachers, parents and environment. Lastly, we need to evaluate the material used, do they met our learning objectives and do they students benefit from the activities. We can evaluate it during and after the activities. We can assess them while they are doing the activity by observing their development. After that, we need to make a reflection on our design material so that we can improve it later.
These theories help me to know the requirement of the activity that I’m going to design so that I will always be on the right track. It is also to make sure that I will not be too ambitious which I can't meet their proficiency or underestimate my students which will make them learn nothing. I can fall back on a theory by Stephen Krashen that said we should give them comprehensible input which goes a step beyond their current knowledge or what he called it as i+1. (Lightbown and Spada, 2001).

Monday, July 21, 2008

A journey starts with a first step..

Thanks God for this course..i think i will learn lots of thing that of course will benefit me as future teacher..God Willing.
that day i've learn how to edit a video using window movie maker. before that i already know about the window but, i dont think i will use it..hehehe
but, now i think i will try to explore the very basic one that i had overlooked.thanks, everyone.
for me, this is important because some of the videos we download from any web are not match with our students' level and sometimes it is too long that will not enough for only half an hour class. so, we need to edit and suit it our students' level of ability and proficiency.
then, for our first assignment we need to design our own video using the window movie maker or any window to make an interesting 3 minute presentation. in our group of 5 we discussed about our project..everyone were trying their best to give ideas about the presentation until we can't think anymore. luckily, Ms Ng also helped us in designing the activity..thank you for the cooperation, Ms Ng..besides, the video presentation during the class also give us come ideas to design the activity. then, we had come out with an idea to do the puppets presentation and to reduce the cost we think we can make the props of the puppet show using something like the super impose thing. however we do not have the knowledge on how to make, we have to work hard to learn the knowledge...until then..bye..

Saturday, July 12, 2008

next generation learning.


how techno is going to affect our students? a lots.. like there will be less depending on manual stuffs where the students will be exposed widely in the learning which lead to enjoyable and interesting way of learning.

in the past, students having a small scope of finding friends where they can share their thoughts and learn other culture and country. but, now they just can click to be friend with any other people in another country which will enhance their language and expand their social life and knowledge.

there also lots of other things like student who love to draw can put his drawing alive using animation..that's cool!

so, there a lots of work for us as a future teacher to learn in order to cater their needs..besides, it also benefits us in many way as well. then, don't worry for the tiring work await.huh..think positive(rite,liza..hehehe)

Friday, July 11, 2008

one day....

I felt very nervous after the first class. Why? As you all know, I’m not into technology very much. So, most of the latest technology stuffs are alien to me..huhuhu...
Therefore, i hope this course will give some new input for me to use in my teaching profession in future.
But, i think this course would be fun because i will learn lots of new stuffs with my wonderful friends and a brilliant lecturer..i will need your help along the way and i hope that you will not get bored and fed up with me. .hehehe..
for me technology plays an important role in teaching and learning process as a tool to capture students' interest and to make the teaching and learning process meaningful. i know all of you'll agree with me,rite?hehehe
so, as a teacher we need to be well-equipped with this techno stuff. besides, it will make our live easier because it lot to be explored!

that's for that day..see you soon..adios